This is the only book focused on the complete aspects of RF Stealth design. It is the first book to present and explain first order methods for the design of active and passive stealth properties. Everything from Electronic Order of Battle to key component design is covered.
The book is a 'How to' reference, allowing estimation of RCS, emitter interceptability, IR signature with speed, emitter footprints, terrain obscuration and target visibility, ambient spectra, ambient pulse density, detection performance, antenna, filter and pulse compression sidelobes, emitter location accuracy, stealthy pulse compression design, stealthy antenna design, signal processor performance, and more. Unique compilations of the leading parameters of many emitters and interceptors are included, as is analytical software for each chapter.
Stealth was a major military breakthrough very much in today's news. Though the author has been pioneering modern stealth techniques since 1975, necessary requirements of security has kept this material from becoming widely known. The book's purpose is to provide a new generation of designers with a firm and proven basis for new developments and to allow buyers of stealth technology to separate the charlatans from serious engineers.
Key features of this book include the fact that there is no competing title on the market; this will be the standard text for years to come. All analysis is presented on a first order basis: simplest approach, use of approximations, intuitive reasoning, many examples. The book's practical 'How to' approach incorporates recipes and examples for estimation of critical performance parameters. Includes 368 figures, 74 tables, 328 equations and 108 items of analytical software.
7.8 Cris E. Hill , " All Digital Fractional - N Synthesizer for High Resolution Phase Locked Loops , ” Applied Microwave & Wireless , November / December 1997 and January / February 1998 . 7.9 Bar - Giora Goldberg , “ Analog and Digital ...
Biomedical/Electrical Engineering Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging A Signal Processing Perspective A volume in the IEEE Press Series in Biomedical Engineering Metin Akay, Series Editor Since its inception in 1971, MRI has developed ...
1949年10月新中国成立前比较著名的火电厂有杨树浦、石景山、戚墅堰和抚顺等电厂。杨树浦发电厂始建于1911年,原为上海公共租界工部局电气处经营的江边电厂。1911年动工,安装两台 2000kW汽轮发电机组,1913年发电。以后该厂不断扩建,1923年, ...
Electronic Data Book; a Guide for Designers [by] Rudolf F. Graf
自动驾驶汽车最重要的主控计算机被安排在后车厢,这里除了用于运算的计算机外,还有拓普康(日本一家负责工业测距和经营医疗器械的厂商)的测距信息综合器,这套核心装备将负责汽车的行驶路线、方式的判断和执行。自动驾驶汽车技术由斯坦福大学教授、谷歌副 ...
[ 38 ] Burnham , R. , Jr. Burnham's Celestial Handbook , vols . 1-3 . New York : Dover , 1978 . [ 39 ] Green , R. Spherical Astronomy . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1985 . [ 40 ] Kennel , J. , S. Havstad , and D. Hood .
An advanced treatment of the main concepts of radar. Systematic andorganized, it nicely balances readability with mathematical rigor.Many techniques and examples have been chosen from the radarindustry (Rayleigh fluctuating targets...
A significant revision of a best-selling text for the introductory digital signal processing course. This book presents the fundamentals of discrete-time signals, systems, and modern digital processing and...
Annotation Thoroughly revised & updated to reflect the advances made in radar over the past two decades, this one-of-a-kind reference offers radar engineers all the fundamental & advanced information they...