Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was one of the most important men of science in nineteenth century Britain. His discoveries of electro-magnetic rotations (1821) and electro-magnetic induction (1831) laid the foundations of the modern electrical industry. His discovery of the magneto-optical effect and diamagnetism (1845) led him to formulate the field theory of electro-magnetism, which forms one of the cornerstones of modern physics. These and a whole host of other fundamental discoveries in physics and chemistry, together with his lecturing at the Royal Institution, his work for the state (including Trinity House), his religious beliefs and his lack of mathematical ability, make Faraday one of the most fascinating scientific figures ever. All these aspects of his life and work and others, such as his health, are reflected in his letters which, in this final volume, cover Faraday's life to his death in August 1867. Also published here are letters that could not be dated and letters that should have been included in volumes one to five but which had not been located when those volumes were published. In total just over 80% of the letters in this volume are previously unpublished. The dominant topic of the 1860s (covered in nearly 40% of the letters) is Faraday's involvement with the lighthouse service relating in particular to his advice to Trinity House and the Board of Trade on matters such as electric light and the controversial issue of fog signals. Also detailed is the complex process by which his various posts were transferred to John Tyndall. Similar issues existed with Faraday's gradual withdrawal from his duties at the Royal Institution, including the misguided attempt to make him President. And, of course, running through many of the letters are comments on his declining health and impending death. Major correspondents include the Astronomer Royal G.B. Airy, the Secretary of Trinity House P.H. Berthon, the Birmingham glassmaker J.T. Chance, the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade T.H. Farrer, the German mathematician Julius Plücker, the Cambridge trained mathematical natural philosophers James Clerk Maxwell and William Thomson, Faraday's colleagues at the Royal Institution Henry Bence Jones, John Tyndall and Benjamin Vincent, the Swiss chemist Christian Schoenbein and the astronomer James South.
1765 Thompson (1910), 1: 146-9. Williams et al. (1971), 1: 458-60. 1767 Thompson (1910), 1: 149. Williams et al. (1971), l: 460. 1775 Kahlbaum and Darbishire (1899), 146-8. 1783 Bence Jones (1870a), 2: 205-8, (1870b), 2: 200-4.
The complete Correspondence, which will comprise six volumes, is a landmark resource for all historians of science and technology. Nearly two-thirds of the letters in this 4th volume are previously unpublished.
Letter 822 Faraday to Thomas Davidson' 15 October 1835 From the original in Uppsala University Handskrittsavdelningen Erik Waller's Collection of Autographs Royal Institution I Thursday 15 Oct My dear Sir The Members of the Royal ...
This volume includes 70% of previously unpublished letters of Michael Farday spanning half of the 1850s and most of 1860.
"Michael Faraday's discoveries of electromagnetic rotation and electromagnetic induction laid the foundations of the modern electricity industry.
The Correspondence of Michael Faraday: 1832-December 1840, Letters 525-1333. Volume 2
In this Very Short Introduction, Frank A.J.L James looks at Faraday's life and works, examining the institutional context in which he lived and worked, his scientific research, and his continuing legacy in science today.
The Selected Correspondence of Michael Faraday
This ninth volume of the Tyndall correspondence covers the period from February 1, 1865, to November 29, 1866. Tyndall was by now in his mid-forties and in the prime of life.
Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their ...