Reviews the history of developmental psychology with regard to both its nature and the effects of the transmission of culture. Major theorists such as Piaget, Vygotsky and Bowlby are introduced to provide a background to contemporary research and
Principles of Developmental Psychology
Advanced Proof of Principles of Developmental Psychology
The implication of Gibson's theory for infancy is that perceptual systems have evolved to put the infant in direct contact with the real world from the outset. The theoretical implication is that babies may be able to perceive the world ...
Seeks To Assist Parents, Teachers And Other Concerned With The Welfare Of Children And Adolescents To Create Environmental Situation Conducive To The Welfare Of Human Beings.
This book provides insight into how brain-behavior relationships change over time, how disorders differ in presentation across the lifespan, and what longer-term outcomes look like.
Comprehensive and authoritative this handbook pushes back the frontiers of the study of human development in one single volume.
The origins of human nature offers readers the first book-length attempt to define the field of evolutionary developmental psychology -- the application of the principle of natural selection to explain contemporary human development.
This book makes a vital contribution to this understanding, providing authoritative reviews of key areas of research in developmental psychology, and demonstrating how these can inform practice in early years educational settings.
KEY TERMS Cochlea A spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear, crucial for hearing. in the foetus (Burnham & Mattock, 2010). The ear develops from the inside out so that the first part to develop is the inner ear, which contains the cochlea.
Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here The Second Edition of An Introduction to Child Development has been fully updated to provide a comprehensive survey of the main areas of child development, from infancy through to ...