How a bushfire starts and spreads - Damage and cost - Reducing damage - Policy debate - Bushfire research - Firefighters and their tools - Australia's worst fires - Times of greatest danger.
... p10l Museums Victoria, p10bm Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office, p10r Sydney Oats / CC BY (, p11br by Joachim Zens, p13br by Patrick Cooper, p20-21t by Petar B photography, ...
Aerial Suppression of Bushfires: Cost-benefit Study for Victoria
2 STATE OF KNOWLEDGE Bushfires are an annual occurrence in the Guinea Savanna of Northern Ghana. They start soon after the rainy season and are characterized by widespread devastation. The whole area is covered with a mantle of ash and ...
The terminology of economics states that while bushfires destroy economic, environmental and social assets, fire management activities require resources that have alternative uses. Fire managers face the challenge of managing bushfire ...
2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report. Vol. I, The Fires and Fire-related Deaths. 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report. Vol. II, Parts 1 & 2, Fire Preparation Response and Recovery.
Chapter 2 : The bushfire This chapter briefly describes the mechanisms by which a bushfire spreads . It gives a very simple classification of the fuel types that feed a bushfire and explains how these fuel types influence the attack on ...
Includes mention of Aboriginal use of fire.
Bushfires are common in Australia. Every summer, thatcritical combination of fuel, weather and ignition source requiredfor a disastermeans fire will occurin some partof the country.Insome years bushfires may burn millions of hectaresin ...
This book will help you understand what causes bushfires, introduce you to all the clever people who are keeping an eye on them, and teach you how to be prepared and not scared.
In the style of the bestselling SOPHIE'S JOURNEY, the book is a collection of individual stories from the Victorian Bushfires, featuring deeply personal contributions from: people directly affected by the bushfires, their friends and ...