Hazel Crane made untold millions by daring to challenge the system. She clawed her way up from the grim streets of Belfast to a glittering mansion in designer Johannesburg.
Eye On The Diamonds is a sequel to the earlier book and provides updated information on the uncovering of the scandal. Its purpose is to keep the arms deal saga and the venality of the war business in public focus.
L'Afrique du Sud passe pour le " pays de Mandela ". Mais l'homme qui a accompli un " miracle " politique est si exceptionnel qu'il ne peut être représentatif du...
In the remote foothills of southern Sudan thousands of boys live together in a place called Natinga. They are displaced people. The bitter civil war raging in Sudan has claimed...
Many different animals come to bestow their own special gifts on the newborn Christ Child. An original song inspired by "The Friendly Beasts."
Retells the Greek myth in which Persephone must spend six months out of every year below the Earth in Hades.
Reissued in a new and accessible format, along with Hound of the Baskervilles, Dr Jekyll and MrHyde, and Treasure Island, this book forms part of a vibrant and hugely collectable series.
Lisa travels on an airplane by herself to visit her uncle in New York.
Instant, grab-and-use, no preparation games for young children.