Eugene Kirk , Menippean satire : an annotated catalogue of texts and criticism ( New York and London : Garland Press , 1980 ) , p . xiii . Scott Blanchard , Scholars ' bedlam : Menippean satire in the Renaissance ( Lewisburg : Bucknell ...
Arca de Noé , montes de Armenia / 95 gran confiança que deven tener en Dios , los ha de defender de los peligros y persecuciones , para que las ... Esta arca fue manifiesta figura de la Yglesia santa , fuera de la qual no ay salud .
Kreisleriana; The Poet and the Composer; Music Criticism E. T. A. Hoffmann David Charlton. brilliant ideas , I will merely provide , so far as I am able , a rhapsodic summary , and then declare : sapienti sat !
A Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama, 1559-1642
Poetic Theory, Metrics, Lyric Poetry Giovanna Siedina. Omne tulit pulchrum, qui miscuit utile dulci lectorem delectando pariterque movendo58. He has achieved true beauty who has blended profit and pleasure, at once delighting and moving ...
... qui se sauvent devant son geste maladroitement menaçant , tandis que ses deux amis nouvellement arrivés considèrent ... Utile " with the " Dulci " , profit and pleasure united , as our honest Doctor says " ( I , 22 , 42 ) . Ainsi ...
The Sixteenth-century French Emblem Book: A Decorative and Useful Genre
... qui remonte à Horace (Utile dulci)13 sert de prétexte à Coyer pour justifier son style facile, qui lui sera reproché ... miscuit utile dulci, lectorem delectando, pariterque monendo » (celui-là remporte tous les suffrages qui sait mêler ...