The Teacher's Guide outlines the thinking behind Interactive Read-Alouds and describes how to apply the strategies in your classroom.
The Teacher's Guide outlines the thinking behind Interactive Read-Alouds and describes how to apply the strategies in your classroom.
This 'Interactive Read-Alouds' book of lessons contains over 60 standards-based lessons designed around children's classics with Share the Reading texts and Readers Theater scripts for each lesson.
The Teacher's Guide outlines the thinking behind Interactive Read-Alouds and describes how to apply the strategies in your classroom.
8. SECTION 4: SCIENCE AND READING First, as Yager (2004) has noted, science texts are more often “declarations of 'fact' ... development and vocabulary, comprehension and inquiry skills, visual displays, and talk about text and science, ...
An expert in the ways young children develop literacy, Gretchen Owocki offers primary teachers just what they need for effective reading comprehension instruction-research-based strategies that enable children to meaningfully connect with ...
R.Howard Blount, “Story Frame.” From R.Howard Blount, STORY FRAME. ... From UNDERSTANDING READING PROBLEMS: “Assessment and Instruction” by Jean Wallace Gillet and Charles Temple. Copyright © 1990 by Jean Wallace Gillett and Charles ...
This book gives you ideas for providing primary-grade students with literacy learning opportunities that integrate conventional literacies, such as phonics and comprehension, with new literacies, such as multimedia composition and hyperlink ...
Connecting Students to the World Through Literature Barbara A. Lehman, Evelyn B. Freeman, Patricia L. Scharer. to be world travelers, ... the world, to promote world peace, understanding, and cooperation rather than strife and conflict.
Comprehension Instruction: Perspectives and Suggestions