It was December 3, 1943, and American warplanes were on assignment over Nazi Germany. Sergeant William Rasmussen was the ball turret gunner on the Hell's Belle, a B-17 heavy bomber. During one of its missions, the Belle was shot down and the captured American flyers were sent to the notorious German prison camp Stalag 17B. In Stalag the American prisoners of war had to deal with the harsh rules imposed by the German Commandant as well as deplorable living conditions: filth, bitter cold, starvation and disease. Told through the eyes of one young flyer, the book has non-stop action, emotion and humor, and captures the upbeat and undefeatable spirit of America's finest young men who served the United States during WWII. Randall L. Rasmussen, M.D., used his father's memoirs, "From a B-17 to Stalag 17B," as the basis for this book. Dr. Rasmussen also explored William Rasmussen's notes, the verbal history that he recorded at the local library, research material, and recollections of the narratives he heard his father tell so many times over the years. William Rasmussen was a popular guest speaker at press clubs, library clubs and service organizations in Michigan's lower peninsula near his home. His narratives were enjoyed immensely since he had a special gift of being able to captivate audiences as they shared his experiences flying over Nazi Germany and being a prisoner of war.
本书内容主要是写二战期间日军通过海路运送战俘的过程犯下的滔天罪行.二战期间,日本为弥补国内劳力的不足,大规模征用盟军战俘充当奴隶劳工 ...
Mates in Hell: The Secret Diary of Don McLaren, POW of the Japanese 1942-1945
Cpl Richard P. Bussell, Cpl Rhodun M. Byers, Sgt Lloyd R. Chavez, PFC Asier Chintis, Cpl Nicholas Coffey, ... Set Walter J. Goforth, PFC Joseph K Gomez, Pvt Clyde D. Hall, Sgt Wallace A. Henderson, Cpl Luther A Herrera, ...
In 1966 the area reeked of the paper mills along that stretch of the river . You have to smell them to believe them , but the human nose can get used to anything . We drove from Fort Riley to Benning . We sold our trailer before we left ...
was initially a holding camp for prisoners moving north, but with the progression of the war and an increase in the numbers of American prisoners taken, it soon became a regular prison camp like most of the other facilities in and ...
Dick Campbell was born at Kyabram in 1920.
The final book of the trilogy. Ulrich is back in custody and describes life behind barbed wire culminating in his fourth and final bid to get back to Germany.
Illustrated with contemporary photographs and artefacts from his time in the camps, this book will be of interest to WW2 historians and the general reader alike.
Describes the experiences of Charles Pierson as a prisoner of war in prison camps in Italy and Germany, during World War 2.
Robert Menzies to J. C. Neagle , 15 November 1950 , and Senator Denham Henty to A.W. Fadden , NAA , A462 / 8 item 446/1/5 ; E. E. Dunlop , The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop , Penguin Books , Melbourne , 1986 , p . xxi . 26.