Quoted in Thomas G. Paterson and J. Garry Clifford , America Ascendant : U.S. Foreign Relations Since 1939 ( Lexington , MA , 1995 ) , 130-31 . 14. Quoted in Pach and Richardson , Eisenhower , 164 . 15. Memoranda of conversation , April ...
A joint biography of John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, who led the United States into foreign adventures that decisively shaped today's world as the Cold War was at its peak.
Although Dulles's life history is hardly a secret , a few of its most salient features must therefore be kept in mind when ... Mark Toulouse , The Transformation of John Foster Dulles : From Prophet of Realism to Priest of Nationalism ...
... “ America Emerges As a World Power : Religion , Politics , and Nationhood , 1940–1960 , ” in John F. Wilson , ed . , Church and State in America : A Bibliographical Guide . The Civil War to the Present Day ( New York : Greenwood ...
Daniel writes in the critical tradition first systematically established by Henry George in the 18705, to produce an ... 1977 Stewart, Gordon T., The American Response to Canada since 1776, East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, ...
F. Ernest Johnston's initials appear on the front cover of the Delegates Handbook. ... William Adams Brown, What the Oxford Conference of 1937 May Mean for the Life of the Church: A Paper (New York: Universal Christian Council for Life ...
235 See Mark G. Toulouse, The Transformation of John Foster Dulles, 124; quoting from John F. Dulles, 'Peaceful Change,' International Conciliation, no. 369 (April 1941) 493. 236 See the World Council ofChurches, Man's Disorder and ...
When John Foster Dulles died in 1959, he was given the largest American state funeral since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s in 1945.
Hoover's speeches are analyzed in Gary Dean Best, Herbert Hoover: The Postpresidential Years, 1933–1964, vol. 2, 1946–1964 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1983), 339–43. 27. Patterson, Mr. Republican, 301–24; Dulles, War or Peace, ...
Two biographies of Dooley are titled Promises to Keep and Before I Sleep ; Shilts ends Conduct Unbecoming with a lengthier excerpt from Frost's poem ; and Fisher titles the closing chapter of his biography “ And miles to go .