In this enchanting book, presented in a slipcase made to resemble a battered steamer trunk, these legendary ships: the Normandie, the Mauretania and the Majestic, are gloriously resurrected through photographs, posters, watercolours, advertising art, memorabilia and more.
After the tenth ballot, Murphy threw Tammany's support to Clark and he pulled ahead of all his rivals, but by only a single vote; he needed two thirds to win. On the fourteenth ballot, William Jennings Bryan, who had come to Baltimore ...
In this inaugural story, the authors' hope is to promote travel, culture, history and geography to children of many ages, all told through the eyes of two beloved cats, Miss Belle and Bo. The idea of awarding them a first-class seat is not ...
A biographical account of Lowell Davis. Artist, Sculptor, Author, Humorist, and friend to all who know him.
When We Went First Class
And his hope is that this book will help change the narrative of fatherhood and family life, and greatly reduce the number of children growing up without a father in the home.
When faced with this challenge, what do you do instead? Pick up this book to bridge the gap and familiarize yourself with ways to prepare for stepping foot into the classroom.
Guides first year teachers in preparing for the first day of school, classroom behavior, and more.
James, the server, walked up a moment later carrying two plates of food. Ah, saved by lunch. Thank you, James. After that, their conversation was easy and natural. In some ways, it felt as though Mandy had known CJ for years.
It's your one and only first class ticket to learning English!
First Class Phonics is a series of books designed to help children quickly become proficient readers and writers. These books use Synthetic Phonics, a high-quality teaching method recognised all over the world.