Maximize your water harvesting potential with efficient, cost-effective earthworks
Goats can clear brushy, thorny and viney edges of unwanted plants. With the right management, pigs can build small earthworks such as terraces and swales; they can also root out brambles, trees and shrubs, seal ponds, excavate stones ...
This is in dramatic contrast to his neighbors' spruce monocultures.In this book, Holzer shares the skill and knowledge acquired over his lifetime.
Outlines the author's ten points of sustainable self-reliance, details pond and lake construction, and discusses biodiversity.
A manual for developing durable, beautiful, and highly functional human habitat systems fit to handle an age of rapid transition, written by a land designer and site developer whose permaculture-research farm has drawn national attention.
a will self - seed , but in regions with cold winters they may be killed off and so they must be hand - sown each year . . Annuals and biennials will have a longer picking season in more maritime climates , and some kinds will provide ...
The text's message is that working with nature, not against it, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens.
This book gives you the tools to succeed. Building Your Permaculture Property offers a revolutionary holistic method to overcome overwhelm in the complex process of resilient land design.
The Earth Care Manual gives a vision of a sustainable future and the practical steps we can take towards it, both large and small, urban and rural.
This book will be most beneficial if you apply it to the space where you live and work.
The bible of pond-making in a fully redesigned 30th-anniversary edition.