This guide presents a collection of ideas for activities to encourage students and other individuals to explore careers in special education and related services. After a brief introduction, activities to increase disability awareness are described. These include: a disability awareness day/week, a work day, a social event, child care, a buddy system, and volunteering. Next, activities to foster career awareness are suggested. These include: career awareness presentations, field trips, serving as a recreation program aide, serving as a student aide or peer tutor, and establishing a student club. Each major section also lists resources including organizations and print and non-print media. (DB)
Filipek , P.A. , Accardo , P.J. , Ashwal , S. , Baranek , G.T. , Cook , E.H. , Jr. , Dawson , G. , Gordon , B. , Gravel , J.S. , Johnson , C.P. , Kallen , R.J. , Levy , S.E. , Minshew , N.J. , Ozonoff , S. , Prizant , B.M. , Rapin , I.
Dennis ( 1960 ) , while observing deprived conditions in Teheran orphanages , found twelve - month - old babies who could not sit by themselves ( although maturational theories assured this behavior by eight months at the latest ) .
... < your name > in the body of the message Down Syndrome Quarterly ( online journal ) Down Syndrome Society of Southern Australia European Down Syndrome resources 235.
Rueda , R. , Monzo , L. , Shapiro , J. , Gomez , J. , & Blacher , J. ( 2005 ) . Cultural models of transition : Latina mothers of young adults with developmental disabilities . Exceptional Children , 71 , 401-414 .
Klippel - Trenaunay - Weber Syndrome ( KTW )先天性靜脈畸形骨肥大綜合症表徵 knowledge structure 知識結構 Knox Cube Test 諾克斯方塊模仿測驗 KR20 (統計學)庫李 20 號公式 KR21 (統計學)庫李 21 號公式 Krabbe's disease 克拉培氏病一種在胚胎發育 ...
... still allowed [ the student ] to benefit educationally , and still allowed [ the student's ] parents to participate fully and effectively " ( Myles S. v . Montgomery County Board of Education , 1993 , p . 1561 ) .
《关键反应训练:促进自闭症谱系障碍儿童社会沟通、交往与学业发展的技术》是一部阐述自闭症儿童教育干预技术——关键反应训练(PRT)技术的研究性译著,从关键反应训练概述 ...
「跟阿德勒學正向教養」經典叢書系列, 為「特殊需求兒童」推出第一本振奮人心的教養指南! 協助父母、師長制定長遠的教養方式,溫和且堅定回應特殊兒的需求, ...
HOUSE , E. , T. KERINS , AND J. STEELE . 1969. Illinois Gifted Program Evaluation . Urbana : Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation , University of Illinois . JENKINS , M. 1948. “ Case Studies of Negro Children of ...
360 Example Program E Individual mentorships or internships set up with community resource persons All day Two ... also assigned . students Frequency 150 minutes per week One hour per One class period of Contact for shared instrucday or ...