Basic Financial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry
Reviewers Richard F. Ghiselli, Purdue University Yang H. Huo, Roosevelt University Fred Hurvitz, Pennsylvania State University Ronald L. Jordan, University of Houston Hyung-il Jung, University of Central Florida Lee M. Kreul, ...
... Educational Institute – American Hotel and Motel Association, Lansing, Michigan Andrew, W, P, Damitio, J. W. & Schmidgall, R. S. (2007), Financial Management for the Hospitality Industry, Pearson – Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, ...
... provided excellent feedback to help us write this text: Sheila Ammons, Austin Community College David Carr, Austin Community College Andy Chen, Northeast Illinois University Edward J. Corcoran, Community College of Philadelphia Jeff ...
Understanding and applying the information will be the main focus of this book. This textbook should provide hospitality managers the knowledge and experience to be comfortable in using numbers to operate their departments.
Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting
This book provides readers with a balanced mix of accounting theory and practice, tailored to the special needs of the hospitality service industries. It gives attention to...
Following a successful debut edition, this new Second Edition of Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry builds on its strengths of clear organization and the ease with which students work through it.
By avoiding unnecessary jargon and focusing on the essentials, this book offers a crucial breakdown of this often overly-complex subject area.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Hospitality management...