Although African catfishes are not as diverse taxonomically as those of the Amazon, they include unique groups such as the Mochokidae, in which there are more than 100 species, and the Malapteruridae, which can generate electricity.
Catfishes of the World: Callichthyidae
The Catfish Book
Of the many legends to emerge from the vast Amazon basin of South America, none is stranger than the story of the candiru. This sinuous little catfish is said to...
Presents advice about Corydoras species and other armored catfishes including how to identify, feed, and breed them and how to set up a tank.
This volume discusses spiny-finned fish including basses, barracudas, and swordfish.
" "Exhausted all your catfishing resources, looking to find the next catfishing tip on how to catch the big one?" This Practical Guide Is Designed To Teach You More About This Amazing, Exciting & Fun Sport.
This title focuses on catfishes and gives information related to their bodies, habitats, food, and life cycles.
Catfish speaks to the length women go to in pursuit of answers that most men never provide.
Catfishes of the World: Callichthuidae
The possibility of an international agreement to live - trap masked bobwhites in Mexico so they could be released into ... Another approach used a different subspecies of northern bobwhite , the Texas bobwhite ( Colinus virginianus ...