This comprehensive international bibliography--spanning the years 1830--1983--covers over a dozen areas of concern to librarians and archivists, including earthquakes, fire, flood and water damage, warfare, vandalism, and much more. For all individuals and institutions concerned with the protection of their collections, this bibliography is an excellent source of information.
In addition, this text prepares you to deal with the aftermath of a robbery or natural disaster that destroys priceless materials.
Here is a practical volume that focuses on the major security problems for libraries, archives, and museums.
The first American architectural program was established in 1868 by William Robert Ware [1832-1915) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ware moved on to establish the department at Columbia University in 1881.29 The ...
Section 1: THE BASICS OF PRESERVATION: Environment ; Temperature and Humidity ; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) ; Coping with Old HVAC Systems ; Cold Storage ; Monitoring Environmental...
First summarising historical developments, the book sets out key preservation principles, rationales for selecting materials for preservation, and how to choose the best methods.
U.S. museums hold over 4 million cubic feet of archival materials and 7 million volumes of bound materials. This comprehensive, user friendly guide to preservation of paper-based library and archival...
This revised volume has a wide range of topic-specific expertise that comprises both an enduring text for preservation students as well as an essential one-stop reference for cultural heritage professionals where resources are limited and ...
The book is an essential resource for library, archive, and museum directors, preservation officers, security professionals, curators, and archivists.
"Access to archival material - the documentary heritage of people all over the world that gives them their identity and ensures their rights - is dependent on the survival of...
Preservation of Library and Archival Materials