The Text-Book of Astrology, written by noted English astrologer Alfred John Pearce, was first published as a combined edition in London in 1911. It includes the author's individual books on: Genethliacal Astrology Mundane Astrology Astro-Meteorology Medical Astrology Elections This classic work is filled with numerous examples and its original publication was praised in the the Spiritualist: "Even for those who desire only to obtain a general knowledge of the subject, or at most be able to cast and read an astrological figure, Mr. Pearce's book may be recommended as easily intellligible, and containing much interesting matter, besides the process that will be chiefly useful to the student whose aims are more ambitious. To the latter it is invaluable. It is enriched with many interesting notices of nativities illustrating the different rules and doctrines of the science. "
Uses astrological calculations about the Moon for advice on the best gardening dates, the stock market, herbal remedies, and other important events for the coming year.
Plan Your Life by the Cycles of the Moon Llewellyn, Judy Carman, Pam Ciampi, Dallas Jennifer Cobb, Sally Cragin, Donna Cunningham, Alice Deville, April Elliott Kent, Dorothy J. Kovach, Gretchen Lawlor, Robin Ivy Payton, Kris Brandt ...
"Conscious living by the cycles of the moon"--Cover.
This essential life-planning tool helps you decide when to schedule almost anything: buying or selling your home, requesting a promotion, getting married, applying for a loan, traveling, planting and harvesting your garden, and much more.
With lunar timing tips on planting and harvesting, selling your home, working business deals, traveling, getting married, and more, this almanac is your guide to leading a prosperous life.
Llewellyn's DAILY PLANETARY GUIDE published annually since 1978.
Llewellyn"s Sun Sign Book 2005
Even beginners can use this powerful planner, which explains the planets, signs, houses, and how to use this guide.
Llewellyn's 1994 Sun Sign Book
Llewellyn's 1989 Moon Sign Book