"It's a crime," Carol Jago declares, "to let any students - whatever their native abilities - drift through the school year without effort, without growth, without goals. Each student is capable of achieving excellence. But it requires a nurturing, vigorous classroom environment - not the glass ceilings set by even the best of standards-based instruction."
To help current and future high school English teachers create and maintain this kind of environment, Jago has created this groundbreaking book. Beyond Standards offers concrete ways to reconceive what it means to foster excellent performance in the classroom and vivid examples of student work that was motivated by the pursuit of excellence rather than by test scores. Packed with richly detailed classroom anecdotes, it explores the many ways teachers can select books, design lessons, and inspire discussions that can lead all their students to extraordinary achievements, both in the study of literature and in their writing assignments. Included are practical tips on everything from helping students self-edit their writing to "tricking" them into reading a lot more poetry.
Beyond Standards may be seen as a series of stories - or "ethnographic studies" - on how to make the work of the high school English class humanly and genuinely important to students so that they will engage in literate activity with the same kind of attention and effort as "real" writers. Under such conditions, Jago asserts, students will learn more and produce more useful and impressive products than any standards document could possibly anticipate.
In order to make grading and reporting practices more meaningful and appropriate, schools must design core instruction to reflect both academic standards and specific academic and behavioral targets that clearly indicate what students must ...
Written specifically for Professional Studies modules in primary education, this book will guide trainees in the early stages of their careers to become the imaginative teachers we need in our primary schools.
Focusing on research-based, developmentally appropriate practices, this book shows teachers how to help young children reach standards through creative play activities that ignite their enthusiasm to learn.
This is not another SEO book written for marketing professionals.
Here is a unique offering that meets the needs of teachers who wish to teach standards, but not be limited by them, as they work to bring about the intellectual, emotional, and social growth of their students.
Verisimilitude principle, 101 Vibert, A. B., 85 Vincent, C., 43, 65 Vulliamy, G., 128 W Wahlberg, H., 84 Walking-Eagle, K. P., 164 Wallace, G., 4 Wallace, M., 46 Wang, M., 84 “War and Peace,” 96 Webb, R., 128, 165 Wehlage, G., 162, ...
Moving beyond alignment and national boilerplate standards, this book takes the position that curriculum and instruction are inseparable concepts from the institutional point of view, and presents strategies to ensure...
This book provides an accessible and comprehensive tutorial on the key enabling technologies for 5G and beyond, covering both the fundamentals and the state-of-the-art 5G standards.
Arguing against the "tougher standards" rhetoric that marks the current education debate, the author of No Contest and Punished by Rewards writes that such tactics squeeze the pleasure out of learning. Reprint.
This humble collection of practical, sometimes philosophical notes may be of use to you if you are: Looking for fresh perspectives and options as an experienced information security professional or manager with a tight budget Starting out ...