1969 *** color - causing transition metals or other causes such as color centers ( insufficiently studied ) pink - red elbaite , liddicoatite , content * Manning 1969 , olenite , tsilaisite ( often associated 1973 ; with exposure to ...
work on structural and stratigraphic relationships is presented from various parts of the mountain belt. In the first paper of the section, R. O. Greiling (Heidelberg) describes the Middle Allochthon...
Handbook of Gem Identification
Metamorphic Conditions Along Convergent Plate Junctions: Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, and Tectonics : the J.G. Liou Volume
Ore Textures: Infill texture
This report contains the first International Atomic Energy Agency projection of uranium supply and demand to 2050 and provides an understanding of how some alternative uranium supply scenarios could evolve...
Metamorphic Phase Equilibria and Pressure-temperature-time Paths
Precious Metals in the Later Medieval and Early Modern Worlds
Feldspar Minerals
�我_有400多座__城市,_些__城市的社____展_重依_于__ _源的__。_多__城市_____史悠久,但___构_一、__集_度 低、_品_短,_____源日益枯竭、生__境日益_重_化,_些__城 市__消亡。__城市的消亡一般有_种方式。一种是 “蚕茧式消亡”。__ 城市如春蚕只吃桑_般地__其_藏的___源,不_展其他__,不_行自 身的_新,固守_源__,坐吃山空,_些__城市_逐_由成熟走向_落、 衰_、消亡。“苟蚕已成熟,而任其自然也,_必吐_自_,至于布_,而_ 成茧也。”_是一种真正的衰亡与消亡。另一种是 “蝌蚪式消亡”。蝌蚪幼年_ 期生活在水中,既有_又有尾巴,靠_呼吸,靠尾巴__,_身体慢慢_大 后,靠在水中喝水吃虫已_不能_持蝌蚪的生活和生命的需要,小蝌蚪就__ 或_新自己的生活方式,逐__出四肢,尾巴和_退化,_育成青蛙,既可在 水中游泳_食,又可跳上岸_吃虫。__城市的可持__展必_走 “蝌蚪式消 亡”的道路,_种__必_有文化的引_和激_。“文化是制度之母”“__是 文化的_体,文化是__的_魂” “一_地_要想在激烈的__中_得主_, 率先_展,必_在不_提升___力的同_,大力提高地_ ‘文化__力’” “文化是民族凝聚力和_造力的源泉”��文化__域的社____展具有毋 庸置疑的重大作用。__文化是__城市在______中_生的物__富和 精神_富的__。__文化_源于______活_,又必_反作用于___ ___。__文化___城市的_型与_新、可持__展具有先_性和基_性 作用。�