Consequently it applauded the arrival of Secretary Robert S. McNamara , a man who would " knock some heads together . ” The National Security Act of 1947 had failed to provide adequate management for the Defense Department .
Now, an alarming number of aspiring rappers are imprisoned. No other form of creative expression is treated this way in the courts. Rap on Trial places this disturbing practice in the context of hip hop history and exposes what's at stake.
This book is the first to reveal the full national and international scope of the Sacco-Vanzetti affair, uncovering how and why the two men became the center of a global cause câeláebre that shook public opinion and transformed America's ...
How civil liberties triumphed over national insecurity
For a substantive examination of these social and political conditions, see Paul Boyer, Urban Masses and Moral Order in America (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978), 121. Greenhill, Playing It Straight, 103–107.
The tree may : Natalie Zaman , “ The Rabbit Tree , ” Magical Destinations of the Northeast : Sacred Sites , Occult Oddities & Magical Monuments ( Llewellyn Worldwide , 2016 ) . The crime had : Glenn LaFantasie , ed .
Cooper had been initially supportive of his efforts . “ He'd call me to see if we were going forward , ” he told a reporter . But news accounts of the ACLU's litigation threats prompted Cooper himself to back off .
In her 1993 CBC Massey Lectures, political philosopher Jean Bethke Elshtain delves into these complex issues to evaluate democracy's chances for survival.
... H. L., 173, 392n46 Meninger, Karl, 172 Meyers, Joseph, 193 Miller, Arthur, 356n43 Miller, Henry, Tropic of Cancer, 291, 400n87 Miller, Neil, 326n38 Milton, John, Paradise Lost, 212 Mindell, Fania, 227, 228 Mizpah pessary, 217, 226, ...
This book offers a provocative and brilliant reading to the end of mass incarceration.
This book reminds us that the imaginary connection between racial identity and fitness for citizenship remains potent today and continues to impede racial justice and equality.