For hundreds of years, dictators have ruled Russia. Do they still? In the late 1980s, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev launched a series of political reforms that eventually allowed for competitive elections, the emergence of an independent press, the formation of political parties, and the sprouting of civil society. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, these proto-democratic institutions endured in an independent Russia. But did the processes unleashed by Gorbachev and continued under Russian President Boris Yeltsin lead eventually to liberal democracy in Russia? If not, what kind of political regime did take hold in post-Soviet Russia? And how has Vladimir Putin's rise to power influenced the course of democratic consolidation or the lack thereof? Between Dictatorship and Democracy seeks to give a comprehensive answer to these fundamental questions about the nature of Russian politics.
Now, though, the entire continent was in the democratic camp for the first time in history. But within a decade, this story had already begun to unravel.
Green , Edward J. ( 1993 ) “ On the Emergence of Parliamentary Government : The Role of Private Information , ” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review , 17 , 1-12 . Green , Jerry R. , Andreu Mas - Colell , and Michael D.
A serious introduction to the use of nonviolent action to topple dictatorships.
In this important volume Norberto Bobbio examines some of the central themes of political theory and presents a systematic exposition of his views.
The essays in this volume explore the way in which these parties both contend and work with Pakistan’s military-bureaucratic establishment to assert and expand their power.
Burkhart, Ross E., and Michael Lewis-Beck. 1994. ... In Guillermo O'Donnell, Philippe C. Schmitter, and Laurence Whitehead, eds., Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Comparative Perspectives, pp. 137–53.
This classic work of comparative history explores why some countries have developed as democracies and others as fascist or communist dictatorships Originally published in 1966, this classic text is a comparative survey of some of what ...
within a given year, such an approach does not necessarily account directly for the possibility of secular trends; work by Carter and Signorino (2010) has suggested that a straightforward means of doing so is to include a cubic ...
An esteemed Foreign Affairs editor and journalist analyzes the ongoing battle between dictatorships and those who oppose them, tracing uprisings in such nations as Egypt, Tunisia and Libya while exploring the sophisticated resources and ...
Exploring the factors that lead some presidents to hold on to power beyond their term limits