Distributed by the University of Nebraska Press for Caxton Press This 352-page, triple indexed reference book covers nearly 500 names in the two north Pacific coast states. All known common carrier steam powered operations of ten or more miles are included, plus numerous logging companies, electric traction and diesel operations. The account covers their histories from inception until sale or abandonment - or until 1993 if still active. Railroad titles are full and exact.
Encyclopedia of Western Railroad History: The mountain states, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
The Northern Pacific Railroad, the Sioux, and the Panic of 1873 M. John Lubetkin ... North Dakota History 21, no. ... B. Encyclopedia ofWestern Railroad History, VolumeII: The Western States, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming.
Storage batteries have run street cars before; years ago the experiment was tried here in Boston. ... Storage Battery Car Company (soon renamed the Railway Storage Battery Car Company), which was located in Silver Lake, New Jersey.
Chicago, IL: Pioneer Historical Publishing Company, 1927. Dickey, George, ed. ... Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 2002. ... Robertson, Donald B. Encyclopedia of Western Railroad History. Vol. 3, Oregon, Washington.
Robert “Bob” Michael Pyle (MS 1973, Outdoor Recreation/Nature Interpretation) was born and raised in Colorado and has lived in the Pacific Northwest, California, New England, and Great Britain. At the UW he received a BS in General ...
Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1920. Heard, J. Norman. The Far West. Vol. ... New York: Garland Publishing, 1974 Howard, Guy. ... Command and General Staff School Press, 1937. Hunt, George, and Wilbur Nye.
In Search of Steam Donkeys: Logging Equipment in Oregon
Extensive appendices provide data regarding weight, fuel, statistical trends, and more, as well as a list of 130 vital railroad books. Railfans will treasure this indispensable work.
By Warren A. Beck New Mexico: A History of Four Centuries (Norman, 1962) (with Ynez D. Haase) Historical Atlas of ... 2. West (U.S.)— History. I. Haase, Ynez D. II. Title. III. Title: American West. G1381.S1B4 1989 911.78 88-40540 ISBN: ...
Publishers Trade List Annual, 1996, 1