Captivity narratives have been a standard genre of writings about Indians of the East for several centuries.a Until now, the West has been almost entirely neglected.a Now Gregory and Susan Michno have rectified that with this painstakenly researched collection of vivid and often brutal accounts of what happened to those men and women and children that were captured by marauding Indians during the settlement of the West."
A Fate Worse Than Death
Only something weird is happening to Danielle and her friends, something much nastier than the horror stories she loves to read, something that can only be described as a fate totally worse than death.
A Fate Worse Than Death
That didn't happen. But thirty years later, he found himself in a wheelchair, not as a result of an accident but because of the debilitating disease, multiple sclerosis. The fate worse than death found him.
A Fate Worse Than Death
Kushner writes, “Together we organize the world for ourselves, or at least we organize our understanding of it; ... From Kushner's words at the end of two awesome evenings of theater, “a gay fantasia on national themes,” AIDS in America ...
This is the second volume of Vonnegutâe(tm)s autobiographical writings âe" a collage of his own life story, snipped up and stuck down alongside his views on everything from suicidal depression...
A Fate Worse Than a Fate Worse Than Death: Selected Writings (2002)
If someone tells you to drop dead would you oblige?
Fate Worse Than Death: (and Other Hospital Stories)