The poetry in Bread Upon the Waters explores family relationships through the beauty of language--accurate words and compelling rhythms--chosen to express universal feelings of loss, resignation, and compassion in the human heart and mind.
Divided into five sections: Section I, Blood Mother, examines the phenomenon of mothers who reject their children; Section II, Mother Speaks, explores geographical and emotional distances among family members; Section III, Sighting the Eagle, considers the effects of world events on families; Section IV, A Quality of the Visible, illuminates facets of love; and Section V, To Live With Women, recognizes the bittersweet consequences of aging and death.
Lorene Erickson frequently uses a narrative form to create stories that ask difficult questions about family relationships. The answers to these questions, if there are answers, must rise from the depth of the reader's own experiences.
... 把另一个吸收—像海绵—吸桶中水—一般—头脑正好是上帝的重量—因为—把它们掂一掂—八两半斤如果—有所不同—就像音节有别于声音—约1862(1863) 1896 633 (601)钟声停止时—礼拜—开始钟的—决断—轮齿—停止时—那是周圈—轮子的—极限—约1862(1863) 1945 634 (604)
The Works of Aphra Behn: The fair jilt and other short stories
Winner of the Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize
I asked to be transferred to Sterling and Gems . But the tines , the blades , the facets Menaced me . I learned you break or are broken . And then a Texaco receptionist , Jack - In - The - Box waitress ... No need to spell the perils ...
Riley Love-Lyrics [By] James Whitcomb Riley; With Life Pictures by William B. Dyer.
In The Man Who Married His Checkout Lane, he writes: "Oh my checkout lane / has the longest wait of any--though unlike / all the others in line, I won't leaf through the life / those tabloids provide rumors of: none of them / are beautiful ...
Single Spies: Two Plays about Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt ; & Talking Heads : Six Monologues
Selected Poems [of] Baudelaire
There he became particular friends with the headmaster's son, Charles Cowden Clarke, who was eight years his senior. Many years after Keats's death, Clarke recalled how as a schoolboy Keats had been “highly pugnacious” with an ...
好读书,尤精宋五子家言,于天文、舆地、兵法、河渠、水利,旁及艺术、方技靡不穷究。诗文皆有法度,不苟作。状言君天资高迈,践履笃实,平居以古名贤自期许,临事建树,卓卓如是,非偶然也。君生于乾隆四十一年丙申,春秋五十有八。嘉庆戊午举人,辛酉进士, ...