"Phillip Paludan has combined the findings of the social sciences with an exercise in la petite histoire to create an intriguing study. From his base point, the massacre of thirteen Unionist mountaineers at Shelton Laurel, North Carolina, the author expands the investigation to embrace larger issues, such as the impact of the Civil War on small communities, the causation and characteristics of guerrilla warfare, and the focus underlying human perversity." -Civil War History". . . the definitive history of the Shelton Laurel Massacre, but more important it is a pathbreaking study of a principal theater of the guerrilla aspect of the Civil War. Paludan has succeeded admirably in rooting a historically neglected topic in the lives of ordinary people." -Frank L. Byrne, American Historical Review"The questions Paludan asks about Shelton Laurel in 1863 are appropriate to My Lai in 1968 and Auschwitz in 1944. Victims is not only a good book; it is also an important book. And it is a profoundly disturbing book."-Emory M. Thomas, Georgia Historical Quarterly"Outwardly a superb analysis of the impact of war and war-time atrocity on the life of a remote mountain community, this slim volume harbors far-reaching implications for the study of class conflict and the modernization process in the Appalachian region." -Ron Eller, Appalachian JournalPhillip S. Paludan is a professor of history at the University of Illinois at Springfield. His previous books include War and Home: The Civil War Encounter, A People's Contest: The Union and the Civil War, and The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.
A look at "victimism" in the United States criticizes the ways in which individuals define themselves by their status as victims--of parents, men, the workplace, stress, drugs, food, and physical characteristics This book has its origins in ...
Intricately tracing history from the fall of Rome to the rise of America, weaving Western philosophy with Eastern theology in ways that moved Jefferson and Adams centuries ago, this book describes the rise and the fall of the American ...
The Decadent Society explains what happens when a rich and powerful society ceases advancing—how the combination of wealth and technological proficiency with economic stagnation, political stalemates, cultural exhaustion, and demographic ...
When a killer cuts a bloody swath through the city, LAPD detective Milo Sturgis needs Alex Delaware's help in catching this homicidal maniac--a case that sends Alex back into the secretive world of mental health treatment.
Concentrating on such personal crimes as mugging, robbery, and rape, this book provides emotional support as well as practical information on where to seek legal, medical, and psychological help and briefly details police and court ...
Victims of the Book uncovers a long-neglected but once widespread subgenre: the fin-de-siècle novel of formation in France.
Chapters examine the perspectives of victims who become involved in court, probation and restorative processes. This book will further debate on how we conceptualize victims and their appropriate role in the criminal justice system.
This Eighth edition expands coverage of human trafficking, crimes on campus, identity theft, stalking, motor vehicle theft, prison attacks, and similar high-profile issues.
This edited collection of interdisciplinary essays critically analyse political strategies, civil society initiatives and modes of representation that challenge the conventional narratives that sustain the current configuration of women in ...
This book prepares readers to advocate for their rights as victims of crimes, offering the truth about laws currently in place that often fail to offer support by providing assistance and protection.