A HOLLOWAY HOUSE ORIGINAL SARAH VAUGHAN famed Apollo Sarah Born in 1924 , Vaughan would earn many accolades in her lifetime - including " a nearly perfect singer " and " the Divine Sarah . ” At age 18 she won a talent contest at ...
Ibid. 15.Ibid. 16.Jan Hoffman, “Inside Jews for Jesus,” New York, 29 April 1986, 47. 17.Elie Wiesel, “The Missionary Menace,” in Smashing the Idols, edited by Gary D. Eisenberg (Northvale, N.J.; Jason Aronson, 1988), 161–3. 18.
Unlikely Fighter is the incredible story of how God showed up in Greg's life--and how he can show up in yours as well. This is a memoir of violence and mayhem--and how God can transform everything.
Secrets to Healing and Wholeness Can you present your hurts and failures to God without shame? In this classic bestseller, Bishop T.D. Jakes brings encouragement that casts out the fear of vulnerability before God.
In this inspiring collection of fifty-one sermons on Romans, Fleming Rutledge presents afresh the radical gospel of Paul.
NAKED, but not ashamed
Issuing a warning against preaching and teaching a candy-coated gospel that neither offends nor convicts anyone, MacArthur challenges readers to return to the roots of the Great Commission. (Revised and expanded edition)
This beautiful lined notebook is perfect for recording memories, thoughts, inspiring quotations or even important appointments.
In Set Free, Peter shares some of the shocking childhood experiences that would leave a traumatic and lasting imprint on his life.
I have some friends in law enforcement, and from time to time we talk about the various problems that face them. ... You can take a man, punish him for his crime, work with him, and do what you can; but when you put him back on the ...
"This book the author walks through several categories showing the types of people whom God identifies.