Portland's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) was designed to hold the bursting metropolitan area in check while protecting Willamette Valley orchards and fields from sprawling suburbia. David Oates traveled the 260-mile boundary that defines Portland to discover how the UGB has contributed to that success. City Limits is his record of the journey.
From conversations with the people he encounters on his walks, Oates comes to view the UGB as a long-running experiment in community control over development. But in recent years, the growth boundary has come under fire from developers, property rights advocates, and other critics. Just after Oates completed his walks, a statewide vote gutted Oregon's land use laws.
Oates explores issues of conformity and conflict on the UGB in the company of various individuals he sometimes invites along for the day's walk - artists, writers, urban planners, environmentalists, developers, a politician, a wine grape grower. Reflecting Oates's belief in the power of community and collaboration, many of their thoughts and writings about the experience are included in the book.
This award-winning book “skillfully blends economic and political analysis” to assess the challenges of urban governments (Emmett H. Buell, Jr., American Political Science Review).
In this collection of anecdotes and memories, Terry Teachout sings of the pride of regional America.
How the city came to such a pass—embodying both the best and worst of what urban America offered black migrants from the South—is the story told for the first time in this history of modern black Los Angeles.
She builds on the work of Georges Bataille to explore the relation between taboo and transgression, while Peruvian novelist and anthropologist José María Arguedas’s writings inspire her to reflect on her return to her native city in ...
The book incorporates an impressive array of literature from beyond the boundaries of traditional criminology - including urban studies, social theory and, most strikingly, from art and architectural criticism - illustrating a ...
He is the co-author of Re-Collecting Black Hawk: Landscape, Memory, and Power in the American Midwest (University of Pittsburg Press, 2015). Other recent and ongoing projects include: Ecologies of Acknowledgement, Kickapoo Conversations ...
City Limits: Emerging Constraints on Urban Growth
Traces the history of Austin City Limits, from its humble beginning as a weekly broadcast to the multi-faceted brand it has become.
Paris XII; Alain Bertaud, Cities as labor markets, Marron Institute on Cities and the Urban Environment working paper ... 17–18 and underlying data. ... Jane-Frances Kelly et al., Who lives where: Melbourne, Grattan Institute, 2013, p.
This book spans ACL’s first 40 years, with special emphasis on legendary artists, such as Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Leonard Cohen, and Willie Nelson, and the most compelling contemporary performers and bands from the past two decades, ...