Focusing exclusively on examples from the 16th century, the great age of Italian drawing, this stunning volume, published to accompany an early-1994 exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, includes 124 prized works from The Metropolitan, the Pierpont Morgan Library, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, and some 20 private collections in New York. The catalogue is organized by school and, within each section, chronologically by artist. Each drawing is illustrated and presented with a discussion that places it in the context of the artist's career and explores the purpose for which it was made. Paper edition (unseen), $35. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Jacob Bean, Lawrence Turčić. Pillsbury, I978 The Graphic Art of Federico Barocci, exhibition catalogue by Edmund P. Pillsbury and Louise S. Richards, The Cleveland Museum of Art and Yale ...
In England, with exposure both to the life of the theater and to the comic, satirical styles of Hogarth and Rowlandson, Loutherbourg introduced distinctly English motifs and scenes of contemporary drama into compositions that were still ...
Ward-Jackson points out that Robinson (1862, pp. 171-73) first attributed the drawing to Bambaia, although Robinson's hypothesis that it is a design for the tomb of Gaston de Foix, begun about 1515, has been neither proved nor disproved ...
Gibbons , F. Catalogue of Italian Drawings in the Art Museum , Princeton University . Princeton , 1977 , I , 121-22 . Griswold , W. M. , and L. Wolk - Simon . Sixteenth - Century Italian Drawings in New York Collections .
From November 1997 to January 1998 Anne Lauder , research assistant , began the work of checking the bibliographical ... Finally , I should like to thank the staff of the library of the Getty Research Institute for their help .
The Italian Drawings of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries in the Teyler Museum
Sixteenth-century Italian Drawings
(27.6 x 32.3 cm) Inscribed on old mount: Del Cigoli; on verso: dell Albano Provenance: Sigismondo and Giovanni Coccapani (Lugt 2729); Sir John and Lady Witt, London; their sale, Sotheby's, ...
The Renaissance Workshop in Action Julian Brooks, Denise Allen, Xavier F. Salomon ... Painting in Renaissance Florence 1500-1550. ... Freedberg, Sydney J. “Andrea and Lucrezia: Two New Documents in Paint for Their Biography.
1-40. Drawing in Florence 1991 Katrin Bellinger Kunsthandel. Die Zeichnung in Florenz / Drawing in Florence, 1500-1650. Exh. cat. by Katrin Bellinger and Charles McCorqu0dale. Harari 8(Johns, London,June 25—July 12, 1991. Munich, 1991.