This work is intended to be a concise, yet comprehensive look at the rich history and important role of the community college movement in the United States.
Cornerstones for Community College Success is known for its concrete and practical strategies that students can apply to all college classes, the world of work, and life in general, it addresses the "why" of learning and the power of ...
... 217 remedial, 226 Community college concept, 55 definition, 287-290 Community services, 67 Connolly, John, 135 Continuing education, 9, 244-261 academic credit, 248, 255 defined, 66 development of curriculum, 254 financial support, ...
Dollars and Directives: Issues and Problems Related to Financial Support and Legal Authorizations of Community Colleges
Designed as a forum for the discussion of the community college curriculum and transfer function, this volume traces the scope of the curriculum, transfer rates, and the relationship between the two.
The population of adults over age 65 must have competently prepared registered nurses to meet their current and future health care needs.
One of the reasons this book is so necessary is because other readers that focus on higher education generally include few selections on community colleges, despite their enormous contribution to the higher education enterprise in the U.S. ...
The articles and research reports provide an important picture of the development of community colleges, the missions that guide them, the challenges they face, the students they serve, and the faculty and leaders who serve them.
Community Colleges
Part V presents the following papers by roundtable participants: (1) "Tech Prep: So Much Promise, So Much Work," by Gerald C. Hayward, highlighting essential components of Tech Prep; (2) "Tech Prep Education: A U.S. Innovation Linking High ...
This book is about American community colleges, during the period from 1965-1980, and presents a comprehensive study useful for everyone concerned with higher education.