The culmination of work by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development's (ASCD) Urban Middle Grades Network, a special Advisory Panel on Improving Student Achievement, and the Improving Student Achievement Research Panel, this book proposes a repertoire of tools for educators meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. The book is divided into nine chapters preceded by a foreword (Gene R. Carter) and a Preface (Helene Hodges) which set forth ASCD's values and beliefs about teaching, the organization's educational philosophy, and ASCD's 3-High Achievement Model. Chapter 1, "Educating Everybody's Children" (Marie Carbo), provides a demographic portrait of poverty, race, and ethnicity of America's children; school funding inequities; and the need for a shift in paradigms. Chapter 2, "Barriers to Good Instruction" prepared by the ASCD Advisory Panel on Improving Student Achievement, presents an overview of attitudes, beliefs, and institutional practices that are often barriers to good instruction. Chapter 3, "A Baker's Dozen: Effective Instructional Strategies" (Lloyd W. Kline) presents strategies that range in complexity and magnitude, cut across content areas, and share the following characteristics: they are inclusive (not exclusive), work best in context with other ideas, focus on students working with social situations, are interactive and interdisciplinary, and empower students to be actively involved in their own learning (the chapter contains a bibliography of 138 items). Chapter 4, "Diverse Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners" (Marietta Saravia-Shore and Eugene Garcia) discusses teaching strategies shown by research to be effective in educating student learners from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds, and who come from communities of low socioeconomic status. Chapter 5, "Strategies for Increasing Achievement in Reading" (Marie Carbo and Barbara Kapinus) examines the state of the art of reading instruction and details classroom techniques that enhance reading achievement. Chapter 6 focuses on "Strategies for Increasing Achievement in Writing" (Sally Hampton), while chapter 7 presents strategies for Increasing Achievement in Mathematics" (Beatriz d'Ambrozio and others). Chapter 8 discusses "Effective Strategies for Increasing Achievement in Oral Communication (James Chesebro and others). The final chapter, titled "ASCD Talks Back," provides an opportunity for educators to respond to the ideas in the book. Contains over 100 references. (DR)
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Korn and Bursztyn and their contributors examine the cultural transitions that children make as they move between home and school. Case studies present instances of how diversity engages us in renegotiating the personal and social.
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Drawing on the original essays of four distinguished historians—Hugh Hawkins, James Axtell, David All- mendinger, and David Potts—the cumulative impact of this volume was to upset the conventional notion that somehow liberal arts ...
So we said , no guarantee , no deal . And everything were fine . Till two year ago . We're renegotiating . What they do ? Promote a darky , don't they . OK , on the nightshift , and that's as black as ink . But once they set a precedent ...
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2004). Primal leadership: Learning to lead with emotional intelligence. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press. Good, T. L., & Brophy, J. E. (2002). Looking in classrooms (9th ed.).
Pearson Prentice Hall® is a trademark of Pearson Education , Inc. Hannuloks 42581708 mech 1-12-4 CONTENTS Preface 29.5 ... Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-13-143775-5 Pearson Education Ltd. , London ...
THE NORTH CAROLINA STUDY Corbett , Gentry , and Pearson ( 1993 ) surveyed 185 high school students in North Carolina on the frequency and seriousness of sexual harassment in their schools . Most students did not feel that sexual ...
New York : Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing , 1988/1996 . Delgago , R. , and Stefancic , J. ( eds . ) . Critical White Studies : Looking Behind the Mirror . Philadelphia : Temple University Press , 1997 .
Savage Inequalities : Children in America's Schools . New York : Crown . Leonard , H. B. 1992. By Choice or By Chance ? Tracking the Values in Massachusetts Public Spending . Boston : Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research .