本书介绍了舞蹈基础知识,包括舞蹈的概念、舞蹈的起源、舞蹈的基础理论、舞蹈的作用、舞蹈表现身体的基本认知、舞蹈的基本素质能力、舞蹈技巧、中国古典舞基础训练、芭蕾舞 ...
《舞之门:门文元舞蹈文论集》由门文元著。《舞之门:门文元舞蹈文论集》关键词:舞蹈艺术、文集。《舞之门:门文元舞蹈文论集》由上海盛通时代印刷有限公司印订。《舞之门 ...
比如蒋齐在《金色的小鹿》中,运用了变换四个舞姿的连续旋转;陈良友在《啊,明天》中运用,'紫金冠跳'接'空中转'落成'拧身板腰';高兵在《雪鹰》中的'燕式跳'接'空中转落叉'等等,对比性强,有难度,有效果。3.把一般的技巧加以发展,做得更富于形象性、更有特点 ...
从巴金笔下的鸣凤,转化为张平心中的鸣凤,是第一次转化——感觉转化。从张平心中的鸣凤,转化为观众眼中的鸣凤是第二次转化——形体转化。第一次转化——感觉转化为所有表演艺术家所共有,而第二次转化——形体转化则为舞蹈表演艺术家所独有的特性,它体现了舞蹈艺术 ...
Making Kinesthetic Sense provides theoretical and practical guidance on teaching creative dance, particularly in educational settings. It is both a textbook for education courses and a resource for current teachers...
This classic "must have" is NDA's most popular publication. Includes locomotor/nonlocomotor movement, assessment, and interdisciplinary topics.
A creative union was forged in 1961 between dynamic choreographer Alvin Ailey and Jack Mitchell, who was already known as the preeminent photographer of dance. Ailey thought in photographic terms...
This publication is unique in its comprehensiveness and recognision of cultural diversity and a broad notion of community. It covers the history of concert music, opera, ballet, music teaching, composition,...