Upper Ankyle Lower Ankyle Bate Erikeia Hestiaia Ikarion Kollytos Kolonos Otryne Plotheia city trittys : Kydathenaion Kydathenaion Probalinthos Akamantis V city trittys : Kerameis Cholargos Eiresidai Eitea Hermos.
In Rural Athens Under the Democracy, however, Nicholas F. Jones undertakes the first comprehensive attempt to reconstruct on its own terms the world of rural Attica outside the walls during the "classical" fifth and fourth centuries B.C. ...
Ktesibios, Philon and Heron: A Study in Ancient Pneumatics. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. ... The Mechanical Technology of Greek and Roman Antiquity: A Study of the Literary Sources. ... Science and Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture.
The organisation of this part of Arcadia in the classical period is discussed by J. Roy , A. Ant . Hung . ... 7982 ; N. F. Jones , Public Organization in Ancient Greece , American Philosophical Society , Memoirs 171 ( 1987 ) 242-52 .
Proceedings of an International Symposium (Athens), 363–435. ... ——(1982), Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Oxford). ... Millett, P. (1991), Lending and Borrowing in Ancient Athens (Cambridge).
seriously think that Persians and Phoenicians argued thus not only about Greek myths, but about rationalized Greek myths? ... But how does this assessment of the prologue square with the Helen logos of 2.113–20, where Herodotos clearly ...
Forsdyke, S. (2005), Exile, Ostracism and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece, Princeton. ... A.-C. Hernández and P. Pasquino (eds), Démocratie athénienne – démocratie moderne: Tradition et influences, ...
16.21 Castrén , P. , Ordo Populusque Pompeianus : Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii , Rome , 1975. ... 16.36 Dyson , S. L. , The Roman Villas of Buccino , Wesleyan University Excavation in Buccino , Italy , 1969-1972 , 1983 .
Johns Hopkins University Studies in Archaeology 9 (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1930). Olynthus 3 Robinson, David M., Excavations at Olynthus, Part 3. The Coins Found at Olynthus in 1928. Johns Hopkins University Studies ...
This comprehensive volume details the variety of constitutions and types of governing bodies in the ancient Greek world.
This volume aims to redress the balance.