See Kerr , C. , The New Opportunities for Industrial Relations , in Spencer D. Pollard ( ed . ) ARBITRATION AND PUBLIC POLICY : PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING , NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARBITRATORS ( Washington : The Bureau of ...
Basic Guide to the National Labor Relations Act
In Union Proof: Creating Your Successful Union Free Strategy, Peter Bergeron, a 33-year veteran of labor relations and human resources, shares his experiences, offers advice and gives you the "best practices" that truly make a difference in ...
Aligning effective employee relations with strategic objectives, this book will equip you with the skills you need to plan, implement and assess employee relations.
This handbook on the regulation of Ohio public employer-employee labor relations, includes the full text of the 1983 Senate Bill 133, with commentary and analysis. Unfair labor practices, dispute resolution...
Since publication of the fourth edition of Labor Relations in the Public Sector, public sector unions have encountered strong headwinds in many parts of the U.S. Membership is falling in some jurisdictions, public opinion has shifted ...
This book brings an international lens to address those challenges, looking particularly at the diverse ways in which answers have been found to manage safe and productive employment practices and effective employment relations within the ...
This book will help HR professionals align their organizations with essential practices while also covering the Core Knowledge Requirements for all exams administered by HRCI.
EXPERTS SAY... "This book is full of closely guarded secrets that union organizers and high priced attorneys keep to themselves.
Employee and Labor Relations Ctb