From the first year of Federal paper money, 1861, to the present, the fronts and backs of all classes and types of currency, from 3 cents to 10,000 dollars are illustrated. These are accompanied by text listing, describing and pricing every variety of paper money ever issued. A list of national banks in the United States is also included.
Banks in America and throughout the world will find this book especially useful in that it makes possible the immediate identification of all obsolete but still legal tender paper money, while simultaneously giving a market valuation.
Robert Friedberg (1912-1963) was the first to standardize this subject and gave this book a permanent place on reference shelves. For the past thirty years, it has been completely revised and edited by Arthur Friedberg and Ira Friedberg.
Paper Money of the United States: A Complete Illustrated Guide with Valuations
An engaging history book and a comprehensive catalog of valuations rolled into one, this guide covers all federal series issued from the Civil War to the present day.
There is only one guide that gives you complete details, photographs and current values of U.S. currency, and this is that book!
Banks in America and throughout the world will find this book especially useful in that it makes possible the immediate identification of all obsolete but still legal tender paper money, while simultaneously giving a market valuation.
United States Paper Money Errors: A Comprehensive Catalog and Price Guide
The only all-encompassing U.S. paper money guide with up-to-date market prices and full-color photos, this book covers all angles.
With updated and revised content, the sixth edition joins the critically acclaimed first through fifth editions, which have solidly established this book's reputation as a popular and best-selling hobby reference.
907 184 1869 Allison - Spinner Large red Four known 908 185 - A 1874 Allison - Spinner Small red Five known 909 185 ... Rosecrans - Hyatt 916 185-1 1880 Rosecrans - Huston 917 185 - J 1880 Rosecrans - Nebeker 918 185 - K 1880 Tillman ...