Powell Jr. was hailed for his professional excellence and for the moderation of his political views . Those views had been fashioned by a lifetime of private law practice in Richmond , Virginia , years of active participation in the ...
The perfect complement to existing textbooks on American government, Congressional Quarterly's Guide to Current American Government presents significant and timely articles selected from CQ's Weekly Report to provide up-to-date examinations ...
This vibrant, illustrated guide to the ins and outs of United States politics provides a clearer understanding of the current events and regular processes that shape this nation and the world.
The articles are arranged in four sections - elections, institutions, politics and public policy, and foundations of American government. Articles were chosen to complement the content and themes of American government courses.
This guide is a collection of Congressional Quarterly reporting, as published in the last six months in the CQ Weekly and related CQ publications.
Cq Guide to Current American Government: Spring, 1985
Cq Guide to Current American Government Spring 1991
Cq Guide to Current American Government: Spring, 1986
Presents an introduction to American government and politics, discussing such topics as the responsibilities of each branch of government, the Constitution, political parties, and how economic, foreign, and defense policies are formulated.
This vibrant, illustrated guide to the ins and outs of United States politics provides a clearer understanding of the current events and regular processes that shape this nation and the world.
4, with Christopher M. Duncan, The Anti-Federalists and Early American Political Thought (DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 1995), pp. 133–35. 48. Especially in Number 51. 49. See John D. Lewis, ed., Anti-Federalists ...