Life insurance remains one of the cornerstones of financial planning. If you provide life insurance planning to clients, or are looking to expand your business in this key area, this book is a must-have.
It delivers: » Detailed information about the entire range of life insurance products that can be used by estate and financial planners in a wide variety of circumstances » Planning techniques for retirement income needs, estate and gift ...
See the "Table of Contents" section for a full list of topics As with all the resources in the highly acclaimed Leimberg Library, every area covered in this book is accompanied by the tools, techniques, practice tips, and examples you can ...
Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning, 7th Edition
This book covers all aspects of life insurance planning.
The Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
The Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning, 8th Edition
When you die, life insurance provides money to the people who depend on you. It can also do much more. This book shows you exactly how you can take advantage of one of the most common, but misunderstood financial tools.
The Tools and Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
The Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning