The Initial Public Offering Handbook: A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Executives, Directors and Private Investors
Now That You Are Publicly Owned
Now That Your Are Publicly Owned: Designed to Acquaint Directors and Officers with the New Responsibilities Applicable to Their Companies
Understanding the Securities Laws, 2005
In one concise volume, the new sixth edition of Securities Law and Practice Deskbook contains thorough but accessible insight into securities law and regulation, including the sweeping Dodd-Frank changes and the Commission's recent ...
A guide to issuing in the US for domestic and foreign issuers.
Understanding the Securities Laws, 1995
... Finanzinvestoren wie zum Beispiel KKR ) sowie der Ausnutzung kurzfristiger Arbitragemöglichkeiten durch Asset Stripping geprägt war , zeichnet sich die zweite Buyout - Welle ab der Mitte der 90er Jahre durch ein deutlich weiterent ...