This booklet proposes to approach the teaching of French from a multicultural perspective. The introductory section presents the reasons for recommending this orientation and the pedagogical advantages to be derived from it, emphasizing the fact that French serves as a link between several Francophone nations and their widely different cultures. Accordingly, a multicultural approach is viewed as more realistic than one that focuses solely on France, and more likely to broaden the appeal of the language as a tool for international communication. The second section offers a panorama of the Francophone regions of the world, with brief introductions to the historical and linguistic contexts into which the French language and culture were thrust, and with a list of basic readings on Francophone literature. The third section presents various activities for teaching about the cultures of the French-speaking world, arranged by level of language proficiency. The fourth section suggests ways of making or collecting instructional materials. The fifth section, a selected bibliography and guide to resources, lists sources of print and audiovisual materials for each Francophone region, including addresses of U.S. distributors and of Francophone nations' embassies in Washington. (MES)
... Ponce y Font y luego Aznar Mendoza , Aldana Barrera , Cantón Rosado , Garcia Fajardo , Molina Solis , Rivero Trava , Urcelay Martínez , etcétera . Los apellidos que más abundan en Yucatán son los españoles y los mayas .
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Español hablado: bibliografía sobre aspectos teóricos y empíricos (morfosintácticos y sintáctico-pragmáticos)
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Las buenas palabras: manual del lenguaje hablado y escrito