In the 25 years since its publication began, American Reference Books Annual has come to be regarded as a comprehensive review source for reference books published or distributed in the United States.
This is a comprehensive review source for English-language reference materials.
... ( Undergraduate / Scholarship ) 2258 SBC L.C. and Daisy Bates Memorial Scholarship ( Four Year College / Scholarship ) 1893 Harry C. Bates Scholarship Program ( Undergraduate / Scholarship ) 4381 Beacon Brighter Tomorrows Scholarship ...
Critical Guide to Catholic Reference Books
Introduction to Reference Work: Reference services and reference processes
Reference Services and Reference Processes
Generalia, language & literature, the arts Albert John Walford, Anthony Chalcraft, Ray Prytherch, Stephen Willis.
Reference Books Bulletin
Index of songs ; index of personal names . An exhaustive and enjoyable chronicle . Many books , old and new , give plots or synopses of operas . ML1711.367 They vary considerably as to the operas covered and in general treatment : some ...
A guide to the words associated with the Thanksgiving holiday explores the origins of many Thanksgiving words and traditions. Reprint.