Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History explores the events, policies, activities, institutions, groups, people, and movements that have created and shaped political life in the United States. With contributions from scholars in the fields of history and political science, this seven-volume set provides students, researchers, and scholars the opportunity to examine the political evolution of the United States from the 1500s to the present day. With greater coverage than any other resource, the Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History identifies and illuminates patterns and interrelations that will expand the reader’s understanding of American political institutions, culture, behavior, and change. Focusing on both government and history, the Encyclopedia brings exceptional breadth and depth to the topic with more than 100 essays for each of the critical time periods covered.
This two-volume A-to-Z compendium is a reference work of unparalleled depth and scope and will introduce a new generation of readers to the complexities of this dynamic field of study.
Presents a comprehensive reference to the role of women in American politics and government, including biographies, related topics, organizations, primary documents, and significant court cases.
This work provides a broad and authoritative survey of the ways in which gay Americans are influencing the tenor and trajectory of U.S. politics at the local, state, and national levels.
This work will cover not only the significant events and actors of Western politics, but also deal with key institutional, historical, environmental, and sociopolitical themes and concepts that are important to more fully understanding the ...
Presents reference entries on the environmental policies of the United States, covering such items as legislation, treaties, common terms, companies, and environmental organizations.
170 Harris, Patricia Roberts respective journals of the NAACP and the URBAN LEAGUE, the two major civil rights organizations. Alan Locke's The New Negro, the classic anthology that defined the aesthetics of the movement's literature, ...
255–275: History of Indian–White Relations, edited by Wilcomb E. Washburn. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1988. Francis Paul Prucha BURGER, WARREN (1907–1995) chief justice, 1969–1986. Burger, the fifteenth chief justice, ...
See Watt and Boulton Bowdoin College, 1:248; 2:473, 579, 582; 3:753, 805, 821–22, 896, 980 Bowery district, 1:225; 2:430; 4:1113 Bowery Theatre, 1:104; 3:1012 Bowie, Jim, 1:278; 2:455 Bowie, Rezin, 2:455 Bowie knives, 1:312; ...
Publisher description
With contributions from scholars in the fields of history and political science, this seven-volume set provides students, researchers, and scholars the opportunity to examine the political evolution of the United States from the 1500s to ...