Introduction to Social Work
New Zealand Council for Education and Training in the Social Services: Keynote Papers : Fieldwork Consultation Workshop, UNITEC, Auckland 2-3...
The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities, 7th Edition
Indigenising Social Work in Africa
The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups and Communities
"The social work practicum lies at the heart of social work education.
O serviço social na contemporaneidade : dimensões históricas , teóricas e ético - políticas . Debate , Fortaleza : CRESS - CE , n . 6 , 1997 . O serviço social na contemporaneidade : trabalho e formação profissional .
This book is geared at preparing students for professional practice by providing a structured and yet individualized map for gaining the competencies required of social work professionals.
Authored by Jacqueline Corcoran of Virginia Commonwealth University, this new workbook provides students and practioners of Social Work with a working knowledge of cognitive behavioral therapy from a strengths-based perspective.
Now fully updated to reflect the changing social work landscape and with an expanded section on improving emotional resilience, this book is an invaluable guide for Practice Educators and Practice Supervisors undertaking learning and ...