A clear, concise work which provides a detailed understanding of the blessings we recite over foods and beverages. New edition includes both previous volumes plus the Brochos Handbook, a quick reference guide to the proper blessings and afterblessings for over 700 foods.
Hallel H]M^ZevfZ#\P`r&FT#C^c]KBzr&ZX]e]K\]KBf\fC^I`Z+CT#Nj ... :sin dlioi Dity t □ t t:%- House of Aaron, O trust in the Lord, their help and their shield is He. :wn Daaai Dity You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord, their help and ...
Sensitively translated, the traditional texts are carefully balanced alongside the Chief Rabbi's contemporary ideas, in a modern and user-friendly design.
This is the first book to examine an emerging new German Jewish culture that has become visible since the fall of the Berlin Wall.The Shoah seemed to have erased the...
An exciting new treasury of Jewish stories and storytellers, from ancient tales and classics re-imagined to contemporary family stories, parables, and humor "Why were human beings created?" goes a...
An Inspiration to All Who Struggle for Religious and Gender Equality"Our souls yearn to pray, in peace, in the sacred place, to read from our holy Torah, together with...
An original and uplifting view of a world lost, reborn, and rediscovered This is a delightful book that welcomes the reader to a wonderful journey through the Jewish culture of...
Солнечное затмение: такси святого города на новых виражах
Yisroel Roll offers spiritual and mystical perspectives on how to successfully cope with life'ss ups and downs, and how to achieve a richer, more satisfying life. The author draws upon...
The Music May Have Stopped, but the Party’s Never Over. Bar Mitzvah Disco. Everyone's InvitedPick up your table card and come be our guest on this journey back to a...
This book tackles a central problem of comparative religious history: proselytizing by Jews and pagans in the ancient world, and the origins of missions in the early Church. Why did...