Get state-of-the-art ideas and strategies for organizing and managing mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery at the local level and within the larger intergovernmental context Understand new standards for emergency management planning, organization, staffing, training, and emergency operations centers (EOCs) Build sustainable communities that will be resilient in the event of disaster Develop and collaborate with networks of public, private, and nonprofit entities Secure funding for local emergency management initiatives And much, much more!The only comprehensive resource and textbook for state-of-the-art emergency management for local government
... not only have we recovered, but we're putting in place an even stronger and more secure resource for our law center faculty and students as well as the community,” said University of Houston president Arthur K. Smith.
The book begins by tracing the historical development of emergency management from the 1800s to the present world of homeland security.
Principles. of. Disaster. Triage. E. Brooke Lerner, PhD and Richard B. Schwartz, MD Photo by Andrea Booher/FEMA News Photo. Learning. Objectives. Overview. By definition, a disaster or any event with numerous casualties is chaotic.
The National Mental Health Information Center (DeWolfe, 2000) makes important considerations regarding people who have any exposure to disaster situations. While all of these are important, one is absolutely the most critical point.
This work is the first nontechnical guide to the principles, practices, policies, and profession of emergency management.
This book provides a step-by-step process that focuses on how to develop, practice, and maintain emergency plans that reflect what must be done before, during, and after a disaster, in order to protect people and property.
Principles of Emergency Management
Keeping this guide around at all times will ensure that, if you were to come upon a transportation situation involving hazardous substances or dangerous goods, you will be able to help keep others and yourself out of danger.
As such, the book suggests best practices for drills, exercises, and pre-event team building and communication.
Because governors have become increasingly concerned about the lack of a comprehensive national emergency policy, as well as the dispersion of federal responsibilities among numerous federal agencies which has hampered...