Answers hundreds of frequently-asked legal questions.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the law, but couldn’t afford to ask Written by Nolo’s expert team of attorneys, this book answers more than 1,000 of the most frequently asked questions about everyday legal issues, including: ...
Written by Nolo_s expert team of attorneys, this book answers more than 1,000 of the most frequently asked questions about everyday legal issues, including: Credit & debt Workplace rights Wills & trusts Buying a house Divorce Small claims ...
Compiled by Nolo's team of attorney-editors and written in our straightforward, plain-English style, this book provides answers to the legal questions that come up every day.
Offers an overview of law, as it applies to everyday life, including information on credit and debt, workplace rights, wills, divorce, social security, landlord-tenant laws, child custody and visitation, and criminal law.
Financing a reliable car or the home of your dreams requires good credit.
Nolo's Little Law Book: Answers to Everyday Legal Questions
Explains Social Security Disability, discusses how to apply for benefits, and offers samples of all major forms required.
Index included. CD-ROM at front desk.
Presents a step-by-step guide through every aspect of the divorce process, and includes updated information on latest state rules for divorce.
Covers beneficiaries, property, children, executors, and estate planning, and tells how to draft a will and prepare, store, and copy the final will.