Like the others in this series, this volume presents several topics and activities that exemplify ideas from the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards and is designed to help students make the transition from elementary to high school mathematics. Includes examples of how patterns can be used to develop or deepen understanding of exponents, number theory, rational numbers, measurement, geometry, probability, and functions.
This follow up to the bestselling and amazingly easy to comprehend economic books, the Freakonomics series, again helps readers approach life in a more out of the box and creative way. In Korean. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
烏爾麗克.馬爾門迪爾(U. Malmendier)和泰德(G. Tate)5寫道,過度自信可以解釋企業併購的高發率,儘管這種冒險行徑往往以失敗收場。斯科特.普勞斯(Scott Plous)6則認為,過度自信造成了車諾比核災和挑戰者號太空梭爆炸。至於美國入侵伊拉克和次貸金融危機, ...
"A companion book including interactive software for students and professional engineers who want to utilize problem-solving software to effectively and efficiently obtain solutions to realistic and complex problems. An Invaluable...
Storytelling--or narrative--is gaining acceptance as an important tool for professional development, research, and teaching. This book shows how teachers and educators can use stories of their professional experiences to reflect...
"An empathetic but hard-hitting book about effective school boardleadership. It should be required reading for superintendents,school board members, and all elected leaders." --Anne L. Bryant, executive director, National School...
Brewer delineates thirteen different ways to present your information to small or large groups. He gives you step-by-step procedures for using each method, outlines appropriate uses for each, and cautions...
This book begins with a review of 'decentralisation' in schools, highlighting the problem of how to increase school-level autonomy while ensuring an orderly delivery of high quality education for a...
"Executives rate decision-making ability as the most important business skill, but few people have the training they need to make good decisions consistently. Becoming a good decision-maker is like training...
This unique resource contains 40 psychiatric nursing case studies and questions, based on real-life client situations. Organized by difficulty level, the cases in this book and questions about each case...