Mathematics in the Early Years

Mathematics in the Early Years
Mathematics / General
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Juanita V. Copley


Noting that young children are capable of surprisingly complex forms of mathematical thinking and learning, this book presents a collection of articles depicting children discovering mathematical ideas, teachers fostering students' informal mathematical knowledge, adults asking questions and listening to answers, and researchers examining children's mathematical thinking. The chapters are: (1) "Why Do We Teach Young Children So Little Mathematics? Some Historical Considerations" (Balfanz); (2) "Children's Ways of Knowing: Lessons from Cognitive Development Research" (Sophian); (3) "The Sociology of Day Care" (McDill and Natriello); (4) "Cultural Aspects of Young Children's Mathematics Knowledge" (Guberman); (5) "Ready To Learn: Developing Young Children's Mathematical Powers" (Greenes); (6) "The Development of Informal Counting, Number, and Arithmetic Skills and Concepts" (Baroody and Wilkins); (7) "Geometric and Spatial Thinking in Young Children" (Clements); (8) "Rational-Number Learning in the Early Years: What Is Possible?" (Hunting); (9) "Young Children Doing Mathematics: Observations of Everyday Activities" (Ginsburg, Inoue, and Seo); (10) "Cognitively Guided Instruction in One Kindergarten Classroom" (Warfield and Yttri); (11) "Supporting Students' Ways of Reasoning about Patterns and Partitions" (McClain and Cobb); (12) "The Effective Use of Computers with Young Children" (Clements); (13) "Making Connections: A 'Number Curriculum' for Preschoolers" (Shane); (14) "Within Easy Reach: Using a Shelf-Based Curriculum To Increase the Range of Mathematical Concepts Accessible to Young Children" (Nelson); (15) "Teaching Mathematics through Musical Activities" (Kim); (16) "The Boston University--Chelsea Project" (Greenes); (17) "The Outdoors as a Context for Mathematics in the Early Years" (Basile); (18) "Using Storybooks To Help Young Children Make Sense of Mathematics" (Hong); (19) "Movement, Mathematics, and Learning: Experiences Using a Family Learning Model" (Coates and Franco); (20) "Math in Motion" (Goodway, Rudisill, Hamilton, and Hart); (21) "Assessing the Mathematical Understanding of the Young Child" (Copley); (22) "Improving Opportunities and Access to Mathematics Learning in the Early Years" (Padron); (23) "What To Do When They Don't Speak English: Teaching Mathematics to English-Language Learners in the Early Childhood Classroom" (Weaver and Gaines); (24) "Involving Parents of Four- and Five-Year-Olds in Their Children's Mathematics Education: The FAMILY MATH Experience" (Coates and Thompson); (25) "Perspectives on Mathematics Education and Professional Development through the Eyes of Early Childhood Administrators" (Weber); and (26) "Early Childhood Mathematics in Japan" (Hatano and Inagaki). (Each chapter contains references.) (KB)

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