The essays are arranged so that disciplines and themes interralate--each essay enhances the previous work and introduces the next. Overall, the book is arranged into three systematic approaches to gender studies.
David W. Machacek, Melissa M. Wilcox. Nafzawi,Umar ibn Muhammad.1964. ... Pp.1–23 in J.W.Wright,Jr.,and Everett K.Rowson,eds., Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature.New York: Columbia University Press. 292 Part 2 Religion, ...
Weigh gain was also related to higher rates of breast cancer recurrence and mortality , in particular in women who had never smoked ( Irwin , McTiernan , Baumgartner , et al 2006 ; Kroenke , Chen , Rosner , Holmes 2005 ) .
(quoted in Bates, 2004, p. 77) The reality is that most children who are integrated into the sex tourism trade are young teenage girls who are “used by situational abusers, i.e. men who neither know nor care how young the girls are” ...
■ 本書為金賽點評版,正文由「性學三論」和「愛情心理學」兩部分組成 本書的一大特點是添加了美國「性革命之父」阿爾弗萊德•金賽的經典語句作為點評。作為曾在美國性學 ...
The renowned anthropologist comments on male-female relationships and roles in South Sea cultures and analyzes patterns and trends that characterize contemporary American sexuality, marriage, and parenthood.
Kimlicka , Thomas ; Cross , Herbert ; and Tarnai , John . 1983. A Comparison of Androgynous Feminine , Masculine , and Undifferentiated Women on Self - Esteem , Body Satisfaction , and Sexual Satisfaction . Psychology of Women Quarterly ...
Following the system of nomenclature proposed by Jones ( 1962 ) , at least five classes of haemocytes have been recognized in ticks , namely ... dorsal branch of arterial sinus ; d - 1 . mdorsolateral suspensory muscles ; d - v . m .
A comprehensive and thoroughly up-to-date examination of the most important topics in human sexuality. Psychological Perspectives on Human Sexuality offers a comprehensive and much-needed empirical examination of human sexuality. It...
Perspectives on Human Sexuality: Psychological, Social, and Cultural Research Findings