The underlying premise is that in the absence of a fully developed critical tradition, any interpretative study of her poetry must of necessity be tentative and preliminary. It must be a trial or essay (in the traditional sense of the meaning of that term).
Beresford's step - son , Alexander James Beresford - Hope , was Conservative MP for Maidstone and married Lady Mildred Cecil , sister of the future Prime Minister , Lord Salisbury . He inherited his stepfather's title and estate in 1854 ...
Dr. Williams discusses his own work and that of such contemporaries as Pound and Eliot and reveals his thoughts on a wide variety of twentieth-century concerns
Reprinted from Selected Poems of Langston Hughes , by Langston Hughes , by permission of Alfred A. Knopf , Inc. “ Dream Deferred ” copyright 1951 by Langston Hughes . Reprinted from The Panther and the Lash : Poems of Our Times ...
Presents a selection of works by the nineteenth-century poet, including "Maud," "In Memoriam," and "Locksley Hall."
For a fuller discussion on the relationship between Harrison's poetry and conceptions of postmodernism and poststructuralism , see Sandie Byrne , H , v . 0 : The Poetry of Tony Harrison ( Manchester : Manchester University Press ...
Richard M. Dunn , Geoffrey Scott and the Berenson Circle : Literary and Aesthetic Life in the Early 20th Century 35. Gary Gautier , Landed Patriarchy in Fielding's Novels : Fictional Landscapes , Fictional Genders 36.
One of Walt Whitman's most loved and greatest poems, Song of Myself is an optimistic and inspirational look at the world.
Sandra M. Gilbert Susan Gubar. W . W . Norton & Company has been independent since its founding in 1923 , when William Warder Norton and Mary D . Herter Norton first published lectures delivered at the People ' s Institute , the adult ...
noting that Duncan's piece “ conveys the quality of H. D.'s artistry , in a tribute made all the more valuable by the authentic continuity between H. D.'s poetry and Duncan's ” ( vii ) . Duncan titles the piece , to which Bloom refers ...
I am also puzzled by Bell's portrait of Woolf's friendship with Margaret Llewelyn Davies . Does he mean to show me that this is how it should be done ? Though he is obviously familiar with my work , he fails to refer to two long essays ...