It is widely accepted that English Renaissance drama owes its extraordinary richness and variety to the blending of elements originating from the medieval heritage and classical and Italian dramatic traditions. This grafting of the "Italian world" onto the English Renaissance goes far beyond the conventional research of the literary sources. The articles in this collection explore English Renaissance drama through new and challenging aspects of influence and through investigations into classical and Italian theater. The volume moves from early Elizabethan to late Jacobean drama. The area of research ranges from New Classical Comedy to commedia erudita, from the Renaissance theory of tragedy and tragicomedy to the birth of pastoral drama and beyond.
This collection explores the Italian matrix of English Renaissance drama through new, challenging aspects of influence and rewarding investigations into classical and Italian theatergrams.
His new book Tasso's Art and Afterlives: The “Gerusalemme liberate” in England (2017) focuses on the English reception of Tasso, spanning literature, opera, and the visual arts, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries.
This book considers some of the main adaptations of the character of Cleopatra for the Renaissance stage, travelling from Italy to England to arrive finally to Shakespeare.
With chapters on a wide range of familiar and lesser-known dramatists, including Thomas Kyd, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, John Webster, Thomas Middleton and John Ford, this book devotes particular attention to their personal and ...
This collection of essays covers the four main topics: Images and Culture', Themes and Tradition, Venice, and Language and Ideology.
I poltroni gran maestri si credono ogni cosa circa l'essere amati da le Duchesse, e dale Reine”.16 If La Cortigiana features a deception scheme against the master engineered by conspiring tricksterservants, this design is connected with ...
"--Silvia Ruffo Fiore, University of South Florida "D'Amico's book gives new life to an old idea--that Shakespeare's plays are essentially affirmative--and this is a message that not only seems to me deeply true but also will be welcomed by ...
This book focuses on female tragic heroes in England from c.1610 to c.1645.
Goetsch, Paul, “Shakespeare und die Englische Rezeption des Stoizismus”, in Stoizismus in der europäischen Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst und Politik, ed. Barbara Neymeyr, Jochen Schmidt, and Bernhard Zimmermann (Berlin and New York: De ...
12 John Hale, England and the Italian Renaissance: The Growth of Interest in its History and Art (London: Faber and Faber, ... 36 Michele Marrapodi and A.J. Hoenselaars, eds, The Italian World of English Renaissance Drama (Newark, ...