Three components per entry (definition, "see also," and significance) offer thorough reference to some 600 terms pertinent to urban politics and those involved. A suggested reading list is also included for most terms--the more controversial and complicated entries, not the self- evident ones. Includes a subject index (unlike many works in the dictionary format). Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
(Interview), February 1969 ROGERS, Will (1879–1935) American humorist R75–In a real estate man's eye, ... Will Rogers Hallmark Editions, 1969 ROHATyN, Felix G. (1928–) American investment banker R82–A balanced Federal budget is not a ...
A collection of more than six hundred slang terms of American political speech encompasses informative entries on words such as "boondoggle," "juice bill," and "Joe Citizen," including both the definition of the word and its historical ...
Defines common urban slang terms which were submitted to the Urban Dictionary website.
Annotation The first book to examine the relationship between church organizations and urban politics.
NLRB V. JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORPORATION 197 tive and statutory authority , and the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 did so . The NLRB spent the first two years of its existence fending off hostile suits filed by members of the ...
Urban Politics and Public Policy
Much more than a dictionary, the comprehensive information provided for each term qualifies The American Political Dictionary, Tenth Edition, as a reference book.
Robert L. Lineberry and Edward P. Fowler, “Reformism and Public Policy in American Cities,” American Political Science Review, Volume 61 (September 1967), pp. 701–716. 6. Banfield and Wilson, City Politics. 7.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, home rule resulted from the urban reform movement, which hoped to remove urban politics from the harmful influence of state politics. Home rule can be either a statutory or a constitutional ...
Green Politics in Japan reveals that green issues have yet to displace the traditional urban politics of post-industrial Japan. Indeed, it seems that political values are still informed by the conservative values of hierarchy and deference