"The German reformer, Urbanus Rhegius (1489-1541), wrote this homiletical handbook in 1535 for young Protestant ministers in Germany. His theological guide to preaching on controversial topics of the Reformation exposes the challenge of presenting a balanced evangelical message and the distortions that attended the reception of that message. It also discloses the close relationship between theology and piety that lay at the heart of Reformation conflicts."--Jacket.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
To complement the popular 'how to do it' publications, which give guidance on the move to Common Worship, a serious and scholarly commentary on the whole range of Common Worship...
A Christian theological interpretation of the border reality is a neglected area of immigration study. The foremost contribution of A Promised Land, A Perilous Journey is its focus on the...
A priceless reference work in the history of Christian preaching that will revitalize the preaching of the twenty first century. --Cheryl TownsAnd Gilkes, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur associate...
Long argues that the literary form and dynamics of biblical texts can and should make a difference in the kinds of sermons created from those texts, not only because of...
"Challenge" has routinely been associated with the message of Jesus" and rightly so. But beyond the challenging words of Jesus come the "hard sayings"; these persist in shaking us out...
作者委身于讲道学领域数十年,此书是他在各种教堂和各式教室中,聆听、阅读并研究许多讲道或讲章,内容跨越各年代、遍及海内外,综合数十年的经验而成。作者说此书所记录的,是他认为应该如何落实讲道(实践,practice)的概念。这个概念完全建基于作者对讲道应该是什麽(愿景,vision)的理解;而作者对讲道的愿景是:「合乎圣经的讲道,是由教会的领袖,在一群基督徒聚集敬拜的场合中,传达按照神学解经找出的经文主旨,鼓励信徒落实应用,使他们效法基督的模样。这一切都倚靠圣灵的大能,使上帝得着荣耀。」本书共有9章:• 第1章「准备就绪」:介绍初步准备,规画长期和短期的讲道系列。• 第2章「找出神学」:阐述作者讲道哲学的核心——如何阅读和解释圣经经文,藉着范例引导读者找出经文的主旨(段落神学)。• 第3章「得出应用」:定义并描述应用,以及从段落神学衍生应用的过程;探讨应用的主要特徵和类型,以及如何由特定段落得出应用。• 第4章「绘製讲章流程图」:描述形成讲章的一系列流程。• 第5章「活化大纲」:说明如何扩展这些流程,使大纲成为具体可行的方案,兼顾启示(经文的层面)和圣经对现今世代的相关(听众的层面)。• 第6章「喻道例证」:介绍喻道例证的功能和类型,以及在讲道中如何寻找、组织和使用它们。• 第7章「撰写引言和结论」:剖析展开和结束讲道的要素,并提供如何写成和运用这些要素的技巧。• 第8章「撰写讲稿」:强调撰写讲道手稿的作用,权衡各种不同的讲道(使用或不使用讲稿的讲道),提供写成和使用手稿的建议,同时探讨在讲道时,如何使用电子产品设备管理笔记或手稿。本章同时也探讨借用别人讲章的议题。• 第9章「宣讲信息」:此章谈到传达、排练以及如何安排管理讲道前后的程序。另有4个附录,以创世记与以弗所书为例,为读者展示一篇讲道可以如何抓住每一个段落的重点,渐渐铺展开来。芝加哥慕迪教会(The Moody Church)的荣誉牧师尔文‧路兹博士(Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer)说:「古胡威不但能够精闢透彻的分析经文,同时也能兼顾经文对现代听众的相关性。在《讲道手册》这本书中,古胡威使用例证帮助我们理解他是如何灵活有效的将二千年前的经文转化为现代讲章。本书提供实用的帮助,帮助讲员每週都能放心的踏上讲台,忠心传讲上帝的话语。
"Offers a choice selection of the most significant exegetical passages of the Dogmatics, arranged according to the church year."--
The question of how religious and political languages interacted in the pulpit of the American Revolution has engaged scholars in literature, religion, intellectual history, symbolic anthropology, and American studies for...
It is not a lack of training in the art of rhetoric that accounts for the ineffectiveness of preaching within the Christian churches. More significant is the lack of adequate...